Increase Your Home’s “Screen Appeal”

With home showings going online during COVID-19, learn how to make your listing stand out on screen. If you were counting on crowded open houses (or any open houses, for that matter) to sell your home, you’ve probably been rethinking your strategy. With many people staying home, online for-sale listings have taken on more importance than ever, […]

5 Tips for Moving During COVID-19

By taking extra safety precautions and minimizing social contact, you can still move safely. Amid travel bans, widespread stay-at-home orders and social-distancing mandates, millions of Americans are learning to adapt to the changes brought about by COVID-19. Countless events have been rescheduled or cancelled, but for a few people — including those who already made […]

What is Productivity???

WHAT IS PRODUCTIVITY, REALLY? HOW TO IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY – AND WHY YOU SHOULD pro·duc·tiv·i·ty /ˌprōˌdəkˈtivədē,ˌprädəkˈtivədē/ At its core, productivity is a way to measure efficiency. In an economic context, productivity is how to measure the output that comes from units of input. Farming makes for a good example: One acre of land that produces 10 […]

Real Estate Lead Generation 101

What are the best real estate lead generation options today? Where and how can real estate agents, investors and other related industry professionals generate more leads for buying, selling and renting properties? What are some of the little known benefits, and pitfalls of common real estate lead generation channels today? Here are 12 ways for real estate […]

Technology vs. People Skills: Which Real Estate Strategies Will Win?

The real estate industry caters to independent strategies. For every investor, there is another way to go about conducting business. Some may prefer to utilize the convenience of technology while others want to maintain personal relationships. However, for one reason or another, there remains a void between these two independent strategies. Smart investors will figure […]

Real Estate Investing As A Business

“Investment is most intelligent when most business like” – Warren Buffett If investing is better when conducted most business like, does it mean that more real estate investors ought to be investing in a more businesslike fashion? Should every real estate investor be investing as a business? What does that really mean? What does it look […]

Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime

Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investment strategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound […]